Our Class

Renwick 2 is a class of 26 Year 1 students. The classroom is situated in the old historic Renwick House on the grounds of Nelson Central School. There are 21 girls and 5 boys in this class and their teacher is Dianne.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Why is water important to us?


Room 14 Nelson Central said...

What a great blog Renwick 2. We love the photos and can see that you are doing some super thinking about water.
Helen and Room 13

Anonymous said...

Hello Renwick 2, It's lovely to see on the computer what you are learning. Keep up the good work!

More photo's would be great.. :-)

Eva Henley
Luke H.'s Mum

Anonymous said...

We a talking about water as well

room 8 by kyle jamie and finlay