Reflections from Term 1 2007
At the end of the term we brainstormed and celebrated all we had learnt during the term. Here are some of our thoughts.
Luke M - we have learnt what it means to co-operate and how to co-operate in and out of the classroom.
Grace E. - we have learnt how to be nice friends to each other.
Josephine - we know that we are all unique and special.
Carleigh - it is important to be kind to each other so others will be kind to us.
Krystal - we found out that lots of people in our class come from different places.
Zoe - we have learnt how to respect each other.
Maddy - we had a teddy bear day.
Luke M.- we know how to use a digital camera properly. It is important to use the 2 way shutter so that our pictures are not blurry.
Siobhan - we have collected lots of ladybugs around our school and we had a poem about them.
Emily - we have practised our printing everyday.
Josephine - we have been reading every day.
Hazel - we've got better at writing stories.
Children then volunteered things they were better at now - sounding out more words.
- hearing the sounds
- putting in the full stops
- starting with a capital letter
- leaving spaces between words
- writing a beginning, middle and an end to our stories.
In Maths some of the children celebrated their success in certain areas.
Carleigh - I can count backwards from 20.
Zoe - I can count count to 100.
Grace E.- I can count backwards from 100.
The triangle group can do addition by counting on from the biggest number.
The square group have learnt the difference between teen and ty numbers.
The circle group are able to do simple addition to 10 with materials.
We love to learn!
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